Indonesian actor and filmmaker Dian Sastrowardoyo has made a significant impact in her country by providing scholarships to over 30 women to further their studies, inspired by Indonesia’s national hero Kartini. She believes investing in women’s education is crucial as they are the first teachers in a human’s life. Dian also supports free coding lessons for Indonesian women in collaboration with a local nonprofit organization.
Dian is also gaining praise for her role as Dasiyah in Netflix’s period drama “Cigarette Girl”, which explores the clove tobacco industry in 1960s Indonesia. The show has garnered a global following and reached the Top 10 list for non-English language content on Netflix. Dian’s preparation for her role involved immersing herself in Dasiyah’s world by changing her personality 180 degrees.
Despite her acting success, Dian holds a degree in philosophy and a master’s in management. She is concerned about the impact of social media on beauty standards and toxic masculinity, especially on young people. Dian hopes Indonesia’s film industry can produce more quality projects to compete on a global scale and emphasize the importance of diversity in beauty standards.
Looking to the future, Dian plans to produce films focusing on the relationship between mothers and their children. She also aspires to write and direct her first feature film and become a trailblazer for women storytellers, writers, and filmmakers in Indonesia. Accomplished and socially aware, Dian Sastrowardoyo is making waves in the entertainment industry and advocating for women’s rights and education.
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