Damaged is a crime thriller set in Edinburgh, featuring an unlikely trio of actors including Gianni Capaldi, Samuel L Jackson, and Vincent Cassel. The story kicks off with a grizzly murder, as a caped and hooded maniac dismembers a woman in her flat. Jackson’s character laments the killer’s inclusion of cult references, which are a staple in the subgenre. The police work seems lackluster in comparison to the killer’s meticulousness, with Capaldi’s character finding a clue that doesn’t seem to lead anywhere.
The film embraces the so-bad-it’s-good genre, with a straight-faced approach reminiscent of 90s thrillers like Se7en. Despite recent trends of ironic humor and kitschiness, Damaged aims for seriousness, which is part of its charm. The commitment of top-tier performers like Jackson adds to the appeal of this ripely absurd film, making it at least half-worth watching.
For those who enjoy crime thrillers with a touch of campiness and a talented cast, Damaged offers a unique viewing experience. The film is set to premiere on Prime Video on September 6th, promising an entertaining ride through the mean streets of Edinburgh with a trio of unlikely crime-fighting heroes.
Photo credit www.theguardian.com